List of pages of Internet resources

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This page is a list of my pages of Internet resources. Some are for a particular course or topic area; some are "miscellaneous", with a range of topics. Each page has its own table of contents.

Please let me know of any links that do not work. Contact information is at the bottom of each page.

Introductory Chemistry (X11). Sections beyond those on course material include: Dry-erase markers; Thimerosal; Lighting: halogen lamps, etc.

Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry (X402). Sections beyond those on course material include: Spectroscopy; Energy resources.

Molecular Biology (X107A). Sections beyond those on course material include: RNA: folding, technologies; Bioinformatics, genome analysis: software and help using it, tutorials; Sites that focus on specific organisms (or groups); Molecular biology gateway sites; Gene chips (microarrays); Genomes; Miscellaneous (including methods).

Biotechnology in the News (BITN). The BITN section is organized around selected topics of current interest in the broad area of biotechnology. Major topics include: DNA and the genome; Cloning and stem cells; Agricultural biotechnology (GM foods) and Gene therapy; Prions (BSE, CJD, etc); Influenza (Bird flu). Numerous other topics are included more briefly on the "Other topics" page. The BITN section includes some web links, including tutorials, but is also broader... it discusses a range of resources, including journals and books, for these topics.


Information about buying textbooks (or other books). Includes links to sites that search Internet bookstores for a specified book.

Library matters. Information on using the library system, including electronic resources, and information on searching for articles, using databases such as PubMed (Medline). Includes sources of online journals, some of which are free. Parts of the page focus on UC Berkeley, but much of the information here will be generally useful to people not at UC. For example, PubMed is freely available to the public. Further, some may adapt the given information to their library system, and to other databases. Sections include: Introduction; UC library system; Melvyl; California Digital Library (CDL); UC Berkeley libraries; Electronic journals -- general; Electronic journals -- access at UC Berkeley; E-links; Finding articles that meet your criteria; literature databases and search engines; Links to some free-access databases; Access to subscription databases at UCB; An example of using a literature database: PubMed (Medline); Access to PubMed (Medline); Sample PubMed searches [Subsections: Search 1: one subject term; Getting an article; Option: reviews; Search 2: author last name; Search 3: author last name, with initial; Search 4: author last name, with truncation; Search 5: multiple subject terms; quotation marks; Boolean logic (AND, OR, NOT)]; Resources for PubMed (Medline); Citation searches; Summary of UCB web links; More sources of journals online; Scientific reference works; Local public libraries (Berkeley area).

Classic papers. This page lists sources of "classic papers", in both chemistry and molecular biology. Some are sources on the Internet, some are notes about printed collections. Reading some of the classic papers in a field can be a fun way to explore history -- and to discover the different style of scientific papers long ago.

Internet resources: Biology - Miscellaneous. A variety of biology links, loosely grouped by topic. Sections include: Biology: books and glossaries; Biology: plants; Biology: other; Medicine: color blindness; Medicine: history; Medicine: books and reference materials, Medicine: other; Microbiology: books; Microbiology: fungi; Microbiology: reference materials, Microbiology: other; Microscopy; Nutrition, Food safety.

Internet resources: Chemistry - Miscellaneous. A variety of chemistry links, loosely grouped by topic. Sections include: Biochemistry; Chemiluminescence; Data (chemistry and physics); Data (biochemistry); History; Humor; IUPAC; Lab tools, Organic; Safety; MSDS; Textbooks online; Writing, drawing and viewing chemical formulas; Miscellaneous and general.

Internet resources: Miscellaneous. A variety of links, loosely grouped by topic. Sections include: Colleges and universities (local, and beyond); Of local interest...; Art & Music; Books; Mathematics, statistics; Physics, Science: News, Discussion forums, General; Science: History; General reference.

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Last update: January 5, 2025