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Keyed to chapters in Cracolice & Peters, Introductory Chemistry, 2nd edition, 2004. Those using other books should be able to find relevant quizzes by the topic listing. Although the quizzes are indicated for a particular chapter, they often cover material from more than one chapter.
For each quiz, an answer key is available online. There is a link to it at the top and bottom of the quiz page. You are also welcome to turn in the quiz, for feedback, or e-mail me questions or comments. I certainly encourage you to ask me about cases where you think you have an alternative answer; be sure to include your explanation.
Answer keys typically include some explanation, for your guidance. If you think that certain answers should be expanded, let me know. It's easy to do, but is most likely to get done by responding to specific requests.
You may also want to look at some of the "Self-help worksheets for selected introductory chemistry topics" posted on my Chemistry practice problems page. These include some instructional material, and many practice problems.
The quizzes were originally written for introductory chem classes. High school chem classes would be about equivalent. Within that scope, it is intended that some questions are fairly basic and straightforward, whereas others are more challenging. Sometimes, I label some of the more difficult questions. Of course, classes vary, even with the same general title and role, so students taking other courses need to use some judgment. I welcome comments and questions from anyone working with these quizzes. Such comments sometimes lead to clarifying questions or elaborating answers. For students taking university level "general chem" ("Chem 1"), everything in these quizzes should be good practice.
In some cases, quizzes are used to evaluate what you have accomplished. But in addition, they are part of the learning process. You learn from doing problems, and seeing how well you do them, and what gaps remain. As you work on questions such as these, try to have reasons for everything you do. That is, try to be reason-oriented, not just answer-oriented. If you have trouble with a question, it is best to discuss the reason for your answer and then guide you to "better" reasoning, as appropriate. That way, your learning from one question helps you as you continue.
There is a link to my contact information is at the bottom of every page at this site.
Those who are using my web site materials for self-study... As noted above, you are welcome -- and encouraged -- to ask me questions when difficulties arise. (My contact information is at the bottom of each of my web pages.) It always helps if you include how you would answer the question and why. That lets me respond to what you are thinking, lets me focus my reply on where you are having trouble. Further, it gives me a feel for the level at which you are addressing the question -- which may vary depending on your background and course level. The level of discourse -- and your learning of chemistry -- is enhanced by trying to focus on reasons, not simply answers. (If you are asking about a question from another source, be sure to include the question, and some context.)
Matter. Cracolice 2/e Chapter 2.
Measurement and dimensional analysis. Cracolice 2/e Chapter 3.
For much more practice with Ch 3 problem solving, see the self-help worksheet on Dimensional Analysis. It includes many problems, ranging from quite basic to quite advanced. This worksheet is handed out in class, and is also available here, on the Chemistry practice problems page.
Atoms and subatomic particles. Cracolice 2/e Chapter 5.
There is also a worksheet "Exploring the chemistry of the earth's crust". Most of it requires only a general familiarity with elements and the periodic table; one question does deal with moles (Ch 7, to follow soon). The worksheet is handed out in class, with answers posted here. The Answer sheet includes links to the questions. This worksheet is also available from the Chemistry practice problems page.
Ions and ionic compounds. Cracolice 2/e Chapter 6.
There are also two worksheets available for Ch 6. Both are handed out in class, and both are also available from the Chemistry practice problems page. The "naming" page is also available as an online worksheet; see below.
Formulas of ionic compounds. To figure out the formula of an ionic compound you need to 1) identify the ions, then 2) create a neutral compound from those ions. This handout focuses on the second step. The main conceptual issue is that ionic compounds are neutral. To help you focus on that second step, the ions are given in all exercises here. Some of the practice is with imaginary ions, so you are not distracted by trying to figure out what the ions are.
Download ionic.pdf.Naming chemicals. This worksheet deals with naming of simple inorganic compounds, either ionic compounds or simple covalent compounds of two non-metals. To determine the name of a chemical you must first decide which type of chemical of it. The worksheet guides you to first classify the chemicals, then name them.
* The answer keys for the "Naming chemicals" worksheet are posted. In fact, the first page includes an expanded introduction and includes the questions. Web page: Naming chemicals, with answers. This online version of the worksheet lets you check yourself on each question as you go, by displaying individual answers.
* For the class handout: Download names.pdf.Also see Ions in solution, below.
Writing and using balanced equations; moles; stoichiometry. Cracolice 2/e Chapter 7-8-9.
Molecular shape (VSEPR); Lewis structures. Cracolice 2/e Chapter 11-12.
Gas laws; measuring pressure. Cracolice 2/e Chapters 4 & 13.
Ions in solution. Cracolice 2/e Chapter 17.
Also see Ions and ionic compounds, above.
Acids and bases. Cracolice 2/e Chapter 18.
Redox reactions. Cracolice 2/e Chapter 19.
Here are some sources of chem quizzes at other web sites. Remember, quizzes and practice problems vary both in the material they cover and in style. Contributions to this section welcomed.
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The Chemistry practice problems page links to all sets of chem problems that are posted at my web site.
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Last update: October 13, 2020